
A+ Works

Every idea is unique in different ways.

  • Hi Hello! I’m Patrick Alcala!

    August 17, 2019 by

    I am Patrick R. Alcala, 19 years old and a student of Adamson University, taking Information Technology Exploring is one of my thing. I am sharing my ideas here for everyone, maybe those ideas can help anyone on anything and create something on someone. I am looking forward to influence you with my ideas –… Read more

  • Hellacious

    November 22, 2019 by

    hellacious Can be used in a negative or positive way.Positive-Outstanding, Totally Slammin’Negative-Overwhelming, unbearable!-Damn, The work today was Hellacious +Damn, That playas booty was hellacious


    November 18, 2019 by

    How does green screen really work? The secret to pulling your subjects out of the real world and placing them into a digital domain is chromakey, and that means going green with green screen. Through the magic of video effects and technology, you can superimpose your subjects onto virtual backgrounds, place them over animated digital… Read more

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