Basketball Champion

The Adamson University’s Information Technology & Information Science (IT&IS) Society Basketball Team won the Championship against the Adamson’s Nursing Basketball Team, with a score of 84-82. Leading the scoring board is Patrick Alcala, which contributed 32 points, 10 rebounds and 15 assists. Also presented is the awaited New design of Sublimation Jersey if they win the championship

A.) What tools did you use in the final output?
– In this output I used Quick Selection Tool and Magic Wand Tool for major edits and cropping, specially with the AdU IT & IS Society Signature Logo. Elliptical Marquee Tool for the Adamson University Logo.

B.) What did you learned in that activity?
– I learned how to create my own designs in Jersey and T-Shirt Printing. This could be useful with the organizations I am holding and managing. This could also influence me to start a business of printing shirts or even designing for someone.

C.) How was the experience?
– I often see good designs of Jerseys and Shirt, I believe for now, mine is one of the best designs I saw, this creates an exception to other’s mainstream works.

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